Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Is API (African Press International) Legit? They say Michelle Obama Admits Barack was adopted by his Indonesian step-father

In a quick perusal, there are a lot of anti-Obama posts on this wordpress.com blog. Perhaps others are more familiar with this site than myself. Is this some kind of legitimate news agency?

In this post, they have a story with the following headline:

"Shocking development: Mrs Obama decides enough is enough: “My husband was born in Hawaii and adopted by his step father, does that make him unpatriotic; she asks”, on a direct telephone to API."

I've been personally very hesitant to buy in for two seconds to viability or truthfulness of the Philip Berg lawsuit regarding Senator Obama's legitimacy to run for President as a result of the natural born citizenship issue.

In my opinion, there are so many very substantive problems with Mr. Obama's past, his associations, his positions, his prevaricating, and his policies, that this type of thing is a red-herring. That being said, why doesn't he just allow someone credible to a majority of the public to examine the so-called "vault" version of his birth certificate so we can all move on?

America's Right, a blog maintained by writer and law student Jeff Schreiber, has a balanced report of the Berg suit, in other words, with an ample amount of proper skepticism, yet actual contacts with Mr. Berg. He posted information about this API story with the same, yet more eloquent kind of questioning I've expressed. You can read his post here.

I'd appreciate comments on the credibility of API.